Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hidup harus diteruskan walaupun hidup ini penuh dengan cabaran dan masalah. Hidup kita akan ada earti jika kita tahu mengapakah kita ujud di dunia ini dan dimanakah kita akan pergi? Hidup ini ada earti sebab Allah Paduli!!!


Jill Clare said...

Sometimes people will not thinking about having a good life. Since we living in modern civilitations, people tend to creates chaos and unresponsible things...They throw GOD in their hearts and do not listen word of GOD. They choose dark life and only think about joys in this world...That;s why any problems they faced, they don't know how to deal with...some people say "There's no way...No choice..and NO GOD...."..Very frustrating...If only man knows...Life Is Beautiful..

Anonymous said...

nung kiva timpu nuh, bukaon tih blog kio... Onu komen nu.