Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy mothers' day

Happy Mothers' day to all the mothers. Love you mother no matter who they are .... they are the greatest mother who care for you whenever you need someone to understand you. Be a good and responsible mother. God bless you.


Anonymous said...

Hi...fr. Just wanna share with you this story...Ada satu orang budak pompuan 9 tahun kena kasi tinggal mama dia bis ikut lelaki lain.Bapanya di penjara.Sekarang dia tinggal sama aunty dia.Kawan-kawan dia cakap di rumah dia kena buat macam orang gaji ja...pls pray that she will find hapiness eventually....

Gurangak said...

Osonong itii sinding pado... Kosuvang gisom kotobok id suvang ginavo yahai ngavi soira korongou...
Om..kosorou yahai do molohing..


Mantad yahai...
Gurangak Family..
